Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lone Ranger

The lone ranger was a box office failure because of several reasons. The film was an adaption of an old television series- and a couple of subsequent films- in the 1950’s. This means that any children or adults who enjoyed the series would now be 60 years old or more, which probably means that they are unwilling or unable to go to the cinema. They are not even close to the target audience of a film like this, and would be too old to have children who are in the target audience to take to see the film. They may buy the film later on DVD if they wish, this would reduce the box office takings.
The film may also have not appealed to the usual target audience of westerns, because it was a very gentle film, target probably towards the audience of Pirates of the Caribbean, a family film. The older western genre was mainly available circa 1950, when it dominated all cinema which focused on violence and guns scenes. These kinds of films would be marketed towards men which would make the film more unpopular toward women.
The reviews of the film on the internet were mainly negative and it didn’t achieve much more than a 2 and a half stars on many websites which rate films. This would convince people to not waste money on a film they would not enjoy. There were also several films out in the summer that people would have wanted to see, so they would have chosen to see them over a film they know nothing about.
The film itself is quite boring, it moves at a slow pace, and the plot doesn’t seem to develop. The entire film seems longer because the action moves so slowly. It is very difficult to keep your attention to a film for that long, especially if does not grab your attention, making it unsuitable to children. The slow plot probably contributed somewhat to the poor reviews it received, even if the plot was fantastic, nobody wants to sit and watch a boring film. The colours in the film were bland- blacks and whites, this may have been a reference to the original westerns when it was all in black and white, but while this seems charming, it actually makes the scenes look boring.

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