Wednesday 1 October 2014

How far does the impact of the films you have studied for this topic depend on the distinctive use of film techniques?

The Mise En Scene of La Haine used the urban environment typical of the type of Urban Stories and crime dramas. The estate in which the main three characters; Vinz, Said and Hubert live the Banlieue shows the underbelly of society and the historical context of  the estate, it was built specifically for the poorer members of the Parisian society and keeps them away from the more middle class members who live in the centre of the city.
Drugs are a key part of their lives on the estate, Vinz is shown to have drug paraphnelia in his bedroom, a poster of a leaf of a marajuana plant. Hubert is seen to be selling weed around the estate, in the shot he is in the foreground but out of focus this shows how this is overlooked in society, especially in areas where it is the norm. He is also seen to be smoking the marajuana he sells, showing that he is in that sort of life where he takes drugs as well as dealing.
In the scene with the reporter asking them questions, the camera is clearly high angle, showing that the audience of the news - the French citizens already have a preconception that they are lower than them, more lower class.
The constant digital clock time which shows the passage of time through them as they go about their life. This is linked to the 360 shots that circle around Vinz, Said and Hubert. This symbols their life, circling around the drain, as the dregs of society.
The use of the culture in this film shows how country, particularly France, absorbs culture and takes it on as its own. Vinz, Said and Hubert are all minorities whose culture has been taken by France. The main characters and the people who are around them on the estate has appropriated American culture with the things the wear, and the music they listen to. Also American culture is seen to have taken some aspects of French culture, as shown by the "Notre Dame" sweatshirt a police officer is wearing in Paris. Notre Dame is a famous building in France, but is also a name taken by an American football team, which is what the sweatshirt is referencing.

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